sine's picture

Hi! I'm Sinenhlanhla

and I am a full-stack web developer

About me

Here is My Story

As a web developer, I enjoy challenging myself to always improve in my professional life. I also take criticism as a way of guidance and a chance to learn and correct my mistakes.

Journey to web development

My journey to web development started in 2020 when I enrolled on data engineering through an online institution. At first, I was just interested in coding, but then when I started with data engineering I realised that it was more statistics than actual coding which is what I am interested in. In 2021 while I was doing my research on web development and looking for institutions that offer it, I came across Umuzi Academy and attended the boot camp, and that is what I am currently doing.

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Skills learnt to date

Since I began this journey, I have used Visual Studio Code (VSCode) as a code editor, with it I have been able to code in javascript using javascript algorithms, as well as in HTML and CSS while building this site. The version control software that I have used and still using to share my codes and to collaborate with teams in projects are Git and GIT-HUB. I have also used Node.js, PostgreSQL and JQuery to create APIs

I am currently learning Python but I am also interested in learning another language such as JAVA. Please view my CV to find out more about my other skills.

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The projects that I have worked on in collaboration with my colleagues can be found on my GITHUB page

Hobbies and Interests

What I enjoy doing outside work

Prior to studying web development, I studied geology and that is where my love for the outdoors started. I now enjoy camping and hiking, so when I am not working, I go for a hike. If I'm indoors, I also like to relax with cartoons and yoga.

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